Saturday, August 21, 2010

river boat days and avatar

this morning i went to yankton, south dakota with a friend. we went to river boat days... well we didn't actually go down to the festivities on the river, but we were at the parade and boy was it hot! it was great fun though.

today.. i also watch avatar for the first time. WOW. that's all i am going to saw. WOW. that movie blew my mind. it was crazy! the movie was beautiful. i loved it. i want to watch it again.
this is me giving avatar two thumbs up.


  1.'d your hair get so long. I'm jealous. I think I'm going to chop mine all off around christmas time.

  2. my hair is getting long! it looks especially long when it is straightened. are you thinking about chopping it off like last fall??
